‘Brahmastra’ starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt is doing well at the box office. The film has surpassed Vivek Agnihotri’s superhit film ‘The Kashmir Files’ in the worldwide gross collection. The film has so far collected a gross collection of 360 crores all over the world. ‘The Kashmir Files’ had a collection of Rs 340 crore all over the world. Vivek Agnihotri gave a strong reactionAfter this news came to the fore, the reaction of ‘The Kashmir Files’ director Vivek Agnihotri has come to the fore. He has shared screenshots of several reports on Twitter, in which it has been told that ‘Brahmastra’ has become the biggest film of the year 2022, beating the film ‘The Kashmir Files’. Along with these screenshots, Vivek wrote, ‘Hahaha…I don’t know how they beat ‘The Kashmir Files’ with stick, hockey or AK 47 or stone… or paid PR and influencers? Let Bollywood films compete with each other. Leave us alone I am not in the race for this stupidity. Thanks.’
‘The Kashmir Files’ was tax free in many states, let us tell you that ‘The Kashmir Files’, made in a very low budget, did a very good business even though it was in dispute. The film also received considerable political support and was declared tax free in Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. The film depicted the displacement of Hindus in Kashmir in the 1990s. Many ministers also praised the film a lot.
Boycott Bollywood: Vivek Agnihotri said on Boycott trend- Positive for Bollywood, disappointed with the films, Ranbir told the news spread about the budget wrong is made from. Talking about this, Ranbir Kapoor told in a recent interview that these reports are absolutely wrong as the budget of Rs 410 crore is not for one but all three films of ‘Brahmastra’ series. The film has been released in 2D and 3D in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada languages. Directed by Ayan Mukerji, the film also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna and Mouni Roy in lead roles.
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