Actor Rajkummar Rao’s new film ‘Hit the First Case’, who has been on the hunt for a hit since ‘Stree’, seems to be a new lesson for its maker T-Series and Dil Raju Productions. This film can prove to be a litmus test for the increasing interest of the Hindi film audience in the remakes of the hit films of South India. In recent times, Hindi remakes of South Indian films have been a constant flop. After Shahid Kapoor’s film ‘Jersey’ and Shilpa Shetty’s film ‘Nikamma’, Rajkumar Rao’s film ‘Hit the First Case’ has been discussed in the Hindi film industry since Friday afternoon. If this film does not work, then it will be Rajkumar Rao’s ninth consecutive flop film.
Audiences, who watched the less-than-original remake ‘Hit the First Case’ in Telugu with English sub-titles on Prime Video, kept a distance from the Hindi remake of the film, which released on Friday. However, its director Shailesh Kolanu has made a lot of changes in the Hindi remake of the film. In the original film, where the story of two daughters raised in an orphanage reaching a dangerous level of mutual jealousy and then murdered due to this, the story was turned towards homosexuality in its Hindi remake. Now no one gets killed in the Hindi remake and this is the weakest link in this film.
Opening less than ‘Badhaai Do’ Rajkumar Rao’s previous film ‘Badhaai Do’, which released at the box office, took an opening of Rs 1.65 crore on the first day, but the collection of the film ‘Hit The First Case’ has come down even more. According to the figures received till Friday night, the film ‘Hit The First Case’ has earned around Rs 1.40 crore in theaters across the country. Despite the names of two big companies of the country like T-Series and Dil Raju Productions being associated and the money being spent on the promotion of the film before its release, the film ‘Hit The First Case’ failed to take even an opening of Rs 2 crore on the first day. Not a good sign.
Rajkummar Rao’s reputation was expected to take an opening of at least Rs 3 crore on the first day of the film ‘Hit the First Case’, made at a cost of around Rs 30 crore. Rajkummar Rao’s film ‘Roohi’ released last year also took an opening of Rs 3.06 crore. But due to lack of attention to the stories, the magic of Rajkumar Rao’s films seems to be breaking. Rajkummar Rao is generally preferred in light-hearted comedy films or survival films but he is constantly putting himself in such films where the audience’s expectations from him are very high.
Openings of the last five films Rajkumar Rao’s last five films released in theaters were as follows: Film Opening (Rs in Crore) Badhaai Do (2022) 1.65 Roohi (2021) 3.06 Shimla Mirchi (2020) 0.01 Made in China (2019) ) 0.90 Judgmental Hai Kya (2019) 4.50
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